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Altis v4+


På lager: 4
Art.nr: 1621-v4+
Vennligst velg

Altis V4+

Ultra versatile Altimeter for everyone

    No Compromise

    Get all what you expect from an altimeter in a compact form. Unlimited competition settings, live screen on integrated OLED display, telemetry, recording and more …

    Live Screen

    Customizable live screen allows you to read the data easily from the integrated OLED display all the time …

    Beat your Friends

    Simply choose your competition from the list and show your friends who’s the best pilot …

    Record and Analyze

    Integrated flash memory allows you to record your flights and later to analyze them comfortably using Altis Flight Manager …

    Rich Telemetry Support

    Have the flight data always in view using telemetry of various brands, with fast reacting vario you didn’t miss your best performance …




Aerobtec er en ledende produsent av Gps og høyde måleutstyr til bruk i seilfly for fritid og F5J konkuranseflyvning.

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